Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The English Patient Turns 15 & My Cinematic Bucket List

Quick cinematic confession, I haven't seen The English Patient. I've been meaning to, but you know how it is. We all have those films we probably should've seen already, but just haven't. I have several. Even with Netflix at my disposal, it's still tough catching up on that black and white classic everyone constantly brings up in casual conversation or that cult hit from the 80s or early 90s that everyone my age group LOVES or those Oscar-nominated/winning films that every movie addict should've seen by now. In fact I just saw Almost Famous, Annie Hall, and Spirited Away for the first time just in the past couple weeks! And I didn't get to see The Princess Bride, Fight Club, and Clueless until college. See what I mean?

But back to The English Patient, winner of 9 Academy Awards, nominated for 12, and making what would amount to close to $140 million in today's currency, it celebrates its 15th Anniversary today and I really meant to (there it is again) to see it last week and cross it off my cinematic bucket list, but I just plumb forgot. Apparently you'll be able to Watch Instantly "soon" so maybe then I can finally see it.

And so this post isn't just me aimlessly talking to myself, I present to you a quick top ten list of films (not including The English Patient) I probably should've seen by now, but just haven't, or in other words My Cinematic Bucket List (in alphabetical order):
  • All About Eve
  • The Blair Witch Project
  • The Godfather
  • Gone with the Wind
  • The Iron Giant
  • Labyrinth
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Singin' in the Rain
  • The Sixth Sense
  • Thelma and Louise

All right, not really sure if these are the "top" films I need to see before I die, but those are the ones that I could remember off the top of my head. I'm sure if I think about it more, I'll just feel depressed about all the films I will never get to see.

What are some films in your own cinematic bucket list?

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... I have a thought. I've seen five or six of those movies (I always get All about Eve confused with The Three Faces of Eve).

    I think Bunny and I need to do a virtual watch-along with you on Labyrinth. I think at some point in the distant past this was suggested before, but it's worth suggesting again (this is Meltha, obviously, in case this doesn't label right).


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