Sunday, June 30, 2013

Celebrating Gay Pride!

New York City, along with other cities likes San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto among others, celebrated Gay Pride today. For Americans especially, it was a great end to a week that saw the Supreme Court overturn DOMA and upheld the original determination that California's Prop 8 was unconstitutional. And with that said, here are some gay characters from recent television shows I've watched...

If you're not familiar with any of the characters or shows above, then you really should check them out! The first image is from the latest season of Mad Men of the mysterious Bob Benson played by the super charming James Wolk. The two women are from Orphan Black with Tatiana Maslany playing Cosima Neuhaus (the girl in dreads) aka one of 9 characters she plays on the show! And finally, the hunk in the green shirt is Keahu Kahuanui who plays Danny Mahealani in Teen Wolf.

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